and the Homefront

Oxfordshire Home Guard Events - Insurance Details

Bicester Platoon (2nd Battalion)

Meetings at: 

Bicester Airfield or Launton Church Hall

Ring :  Pete on 07804 501930

Email Me: 

Why not join our Friends of Oxfordshire Home Guard History Group.  It's free and you are under no obligation, just sign up at the address on the poster and we'll do the rest.

We are covered for up to £5.000.000 public liability.
We are also covered for member-to-member injury.
We are covered for up to
20 events per year.
The policy makes it clear that we have an obligation to take reasonable steps to prevent injury or damage and to make sure our displays and equipment are safe (see below).
No member of the public should be allowed to handle any edged weapons, we are not covered for edged weapons
No member of the public should be allowed to handle a gas mask/respirator.
Members of the public should only handle equipment under close supervision and children should only handle equipment that is safe and when a parent/guardian is present. 
Members of the public must not be allowed onto vehicles unless supervised by the owner.

Please note - this cover is for our agreed events only. 
It does not include non-member family or friends.
Only our members are allowed take part in our displays.

Note - any requests for us to attend an event, must first be cleared by the events co-ordinator (John H.) before being agreed.

All members must familiarise themselves with the 2025 policy as shown below: